The activated hydrogen peroxide molecules then “clean” the rest of the atmosphere leaving a clear, natural smell. The bolts of lightning are mostly negatively charged and they activate the hydrogen peroxide molecules in the air. Our atmosphere experiences a cleansing action each time electricity is combined with the naturally occurring hydrogen molecules and oxygen.

The most powerful process inherent in the REME HALO is also found in nature. Because they are larger, air filters have a better chance of trapping them as they pass through. The charged particles this device creates cause pollutant particles to stick together making them larger at the molecular level. It is not something that works to catch pollutants but is designed to actively go to where the contaminant is and eradicate it. It is different from other indoor air quality products in that it is not passive. This technology produces hydro-peroxide plasma and uses ultra-violet light to purify surfaces and the air inside your dwelling.

You will want a minimum of a MERV 14 or better filter. Freedom Heating and Coolinginstalls the Aprilaire replacement cartridges or the Practical Pleat solution. It must be after the filter or it will have minimal effect because of the reduced airflow through the unit. It is installed in the supply or discharge side plenum of the HVAC system. The REME HALO is an in-duct air purifier that uses RGF’s Reflective Electro Magnetic Energy technology.