Our new OnLine Store brings you books, CDs, tuning forks and other sound healing tools to help create health and balance. These Healing Sounds focus on many different aspects of sound therapy including: resonance, psycho-acoustics, entrainment, toning, harmonics, chakras and mantras. Within these pages, you will find: Articles & Interviews, an excellent Bibliography as well as Vibratory Research. Sound therapy works by using the tuning forks to attune these cells to a more harmonious frequency, thereby improving overall performance, resulting in healing. Combined with a healing intention stated by the.
Tuning fork sound healing portable#
We couldn’t be more excited how all of this effort has paid off. Tuning forks are simple, effective, and portable tools to facilitate relaxation, meditation, and centering. In conjunction with many dedicated and visionary people, I have spent the past three decades working to bring sound healing and sound therapy into mainstream awareness. It works with the nervous system, the tissues, and the more subtle energies of the body, being deeply relaxing, and filled with long-term benefits. I’m Jonathan Goldman, author of “ Healing Sounds“, creator of “ Chakra Chants“, president of Spirit Music and Director of the Sound Healers Association. A founding idea of sound healing is that our physical, emotional, and mental symptoms are underscored by energy fields, therefore if we can affect the energy fields through resonance and entrainment with sound, we can see a shift in our physical, emotional, and spiritual state of being. Using Tuning Forks for healing is a very gentle yet powerful modality to treat the mind, body, and soul, and to restore inner balance and health. Originally invented to create a pure tone to which musicians could tune their instruments, tuning. Greetings & Welcome to the World of Sound Healin g Tuning forks are effective tools to use in sound healing. Sound waves open dynamic pathways and give relief in pains The sound vibrations of Tuning Forks relaxes muscle tension The nervous system becomes calm and gets balanced. The Power of Sound Healing Online Course Sound Therapy with tuning forks helps to balance and homeostasis in the body.Jonathan Goldman’s Complete Chakra Chanting Experience.Click HERE to make sure your computer is set-up correctly.
Tuning fork sound healing software#

It is recommended to have BioSonic Body Tuners™ and BioSonic Otto128™